Open Fiber Contact Information

This communication is being distributed on behalf of the vendor who will be installing the new fiber optic service. This service is in no way affiliated with the Board or Brookhaven. Please see below for information on how to contact the company with questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Brookhaven Board of Directors

Hello to all Brookhaven residents!

We are reaching out to you to let you know that fiber optics are coming to your neighborhood! Mainline construction is set to start next week in Brookhaven, this consists of working within the Public Utility Right-of-Way. For any issues/concerns that arise due to the construction, you MUST visit our website (, click “Construction Issues”, and input all required fields as well as a description of the concern. We ask that you do not reach out to your HOA or Property management in regard to construction issues. We will be completing a 100% restoration of the neighborhood after mainline construction is completed. We ask that you open a ticket if there are issues with irrigation systems, dog fences, lawnmower fences, etc. We will have them all repaired, please do not go through a separate company. We offer a 1-year guarantee on our repairs as long as a ticket is opened via our website.

If you are curious about packages that we offer or have other inquiries pertaining to our services and how it works, there will be a “Sales and Service Inquiries” button on the contact page. Please use this as your primary point of contact, this ticketing inbox is monitored daily, and all concerns/inquiries will be addressed. If you would like to reach out to our Matthews office via telephone: 1-800-359-5767

For those of you who would like to sign up for service, please use this link to do so.